Friday, July 21

Day Out

today wakeup late .... lol then went to sch by taxi then during lesson time my eyes cannont been open ... so my eyes was closed and listen to what teacher is saying ...

end up teacher also say me "Yong sheng eyes have been close form the morning..." lol hize then JL no come as she have dental .... lol her tooth ar very problem ... then after that went eat then went to do our sem project ... Jl stole my c++ files see she cheat to get my data ...

hize then later that we went out bishan junstion 8 to drink coffer bean nice~ talk talk =_=llll then went shopping as they chat amount themselves. then Jl say that she want to join navy lol say got good income and one of her fv jobs as and electrition....

Funny candy !~>~well donno why i worry ~~~> lol k la then after that meeted koen then they want to go other place as keon want to went home then JL ask me to go home also as she say me very tired laio hize want to go de hahahaha nvm lor go home ~:> see i good boy. k la then at home rest and eat ..
that all for today hmm is been a enjoy one. good night take care everyone out there.

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