Saturday, November 17

SSH Outing 2007

Today wake up early in the morning to meet my fellow workmate at Jurong East M.R.T then the bus arrived, so our first stop will be at the Bird Nest Showroom!!!

lol once we arrived, we went in and try it out the Bird nest Jelly which was very nice, i ate 2 cup of it, after that i thought of buying some bird nest & A lot of tonic for JL since she was sick, ok then they have karaoke session with the stuff there and then we move on to our next stop.

Went to the famous O-ta place, the making of O-ta with different favor. Beside that we also see the making of curry-puff. We also try some of the o-ta which is very nice, they even provide delivery service.

k after that moving on to our next stop at a farm.

then there also cute litter pets :P like rabbit ,bird & chameleon lol

ok then moving on saw this big fish >>>
Then we went to an aquarian....

there also this pond where fish will nippe your feet !!! nice~

That about all thanks SSH!!!

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