Wednesday, November 30

Deacon 5 !!!! Red Alert !!!!

lol yesterday seem to be quiet a boring day.... but today hmmmthis monring just got a com skill test lol during the test our class that wired gal really wired lol .... walking in and out from her seat smiling at nobody hmmm every seem to freak out on her even teacher also .....

so after that lesson my classmate went to in report to our mento .... then i went out to find my friend hahahahah seem a long day to go then went play basketball lol quite nice lor but too hot untill my noise feel like bleeding ..... hize then went to lecture room lol i forget to bring my book so i borrow it form my classmate cause they don't attendent that lesson .... see they alway ponten de .... then that gal again not our class only even all the 6class in the lecture room find that she somthing worng.....then all my classmate from that row all come down to my row lol....
then my friend wanted her to stop walking in and out in the lecture room one of my classmate and some friend went too take the dustbin away .... cause she like alway walk to the bin and donno do what it was like everytime u know.... more then 20times.

After that lesson i went of th friend the rest of my classmate told them about it lol this is becoming majoy matter.... then after that we went to the math lesson she also like that wa everyone try to ingnore what happen and foces on the lesson..... then during break time lol 3 of my classmate with has very good skill in drawing ,they drawed some character on the white board .....after sch her parent come fatch her ... then donno how tml will be lucky of me no feeling cause my heart has been Reinforced lol all my friend are freak out.... hmm tml Jap lol still playing games forget to do HW now just finish doing it .....

Steel Of Heart ..... Stronger Then Ever

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