Saturday, August 20

C++ exam Day

Let the day begain.....

was going to sch then at woodland mrt lol just in time my classmate also reach there so we go sch together.....

wa first lecture that teacher .... then donno why from that time on i get a cold.... hize
then after that went to lab for his lab test , quiet confusing but manage to finish off !!!!

then went to eat hize nothing much to eat... lol then my classmate borrow a labtop to practice C++ cause later got test!!!! then ask me how to work out hize ..... then in the next lecture he on the labtop & we decause about that question then the teacher come Shoot us then we need to befance the labtop cause we my other friend de..... phew like us hahahahah..... then i see over all our class are the nosies in the room hahahah infornt de people alway get funnie stuff to share & lame thing to do..... our class more alive then other class hahahahah too many thing happen alone this few month been with them enjoy evey momet with them tresure it very much i try to get interactive with each anyother see all their characters :P so i can know them better ... hahaha so far my research all correct :P

then during that c++ test wa my runing nose getting wosted then relly cannont concenrate on my test paper then also get confuse cannont think ... then lucky finish jsut in time but i think i write somthing wrong in it don't think can get A+ , only a A will do....!!! hize the most of the people was doing so fast like haven time up finish already wa really they know or don't know!!!

then skiped TKD today was runing nose so need a good night rest !!!!! tommrrow will be a very busy day hope so or else rota to dead!!!!

U are acting strang donno what u really trying to get do ,wired is all i can say !!!!!

DAY END a long long way to go ,i will wiat till someone out the to find me .`~`.

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