Saturday, January 21

Miss Me!

Today suppost got open house so need to go sch but donno what time !! so slp .... 9.13am teacher sms us saying meet at 9.30am at .... WTH still in bed saio.... nvm then don't go so as the others ....

so continue slp and slp till afternoon wake up my my friend call asking me to go over his house to fix his lan setting...

so wake up eat my breakfast then on my com do my PLF game !!! lol donno why i started to like my PLF .... then eat my lunch then went to his house.

fix and fix untill cannont fix anymore give up so make it back to noraml.... then went to cwp buy my pants lol nice ..... then went to eat swentsen.... with my friend then meet up another friend too lol how nice chat and chat.... went to see koen working at NTUC lol ....then all for us there chat more , and my friend bought some new year stuff then he wnet home....

tired aiyo my html porject haven working on it i think tml i going to finish eveything in it laio.....
but tml also a long day for me Got main event going on hehehe my tamiya race..... so rather busy.... and will be very tied .... ok going to bed now tml morning got to be energetic...

Race agains TIME Race agains SPEED is the matter of ways not the matter of lifes......

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