today went for interview at my father brother company at toy pah yoh llll so i bring along my friend go hahaha .on our way there our classmate called me say that she very boring she at sch with her bf but cannont stay there boring till dei hahah so what the hack i bring her along ....
we the three of us all take mrt to bradalle<(i donno how to spell) mrt then walk our way there on the way there a man walk to us ask us time then ask for $2 what to hack.... we ingorn then walk to the company lol then so big hahaha i forget which unite then called my father .... then we went in the compay the laide give us some form to fill in the my friend help me write how nice but then they don't allow ... so i continue my self kind of get them a bad impression already hahahha X.x hize die die ... monday start work laio hahahahha how i wish pouplar company will ask me back to work there earn more also know them well :>
anyway after that we went to orchard road eat sake shushi lol as my friend treat her then not enought $ alway borrow form me hahahha i now left with nothing laio kind of sad no money in my wallet hahahha hize cannont blame my friend ma need help i alway there :> then after that we went shopping the i going back to sch TKD today last lesson before this sunday grading day then my friend suppost to go one but he too lazy la cannont blame also hahaha how i wish him to come along ....
at TKD tranning i skip the 2.4km i cannont even jog ..... walk also pain then hize sit a side like extra then my friend never bring his belt then i borrow mine to him hahahah cause i cannont train so lam him lor .... then donno where he go find me a green tip belt borrow me hahaha lol super promontion haahhaha then later that al most evey one saying me wa do the patten for the belt level leh hahaha which i don't even know .
then later change back the belt hahahah then i practice my own belt patten then again change some of the patten already hahahah so need to work on it ... "> before going home i take come video of the training hahaha but is in a HP format so cannont show u all in here.
After that night went home alone buy KFC back home to eat hahahah.... hize which just nice $2 .55 is all i just have and also my e-link no mmore $ laio hahahah need to top-out hize spend more then i earn need to so some saving .... X.x hize :P
~if u any happy mood clap your hand ............. :> hize will someone miss me?