Saturday, December 30

W230 2006 Gathering

Today The Last Church Service And Appreciation Cell group together even today i leg was hurt in the morning went i step out of bed the pain is really great and i was about to give up on today but today is the last so no matter what i have to go. . . ernest reach at 10.30am so i just nice reach woodland to take mrt with him. . . he kind of no voice . . . and on my way to expo in train i spoil my bag again . . . lucky alway carry a spare caribbean so can join it back. . .

As we reach all of us went to a thai restaurant as today cell group just having a dinner that all, we arrived early and went in to seat lol waited for Adriel for 1hr . . . lol we like seating in the restaurant not ordering food lol. . . after that went he come we just nice have started order and the food not enought for us to eat hahaha but was nice ...

Then Adriel (Cell Group Leader) Present Us with a award of the year. . . and :>>>>

And Surprisingly i also have one lol shock me the most. . . as adriel say that i have make a long way here, i attenedent all service and cellgroup. . . even went i'm sick, tired or no $ to travael as i most of time took cab to service cause of so many problem i having and don't have enought rest.

The Award Of Faith

it say :

For his unwavering faith in the goodness and the faith fullness of God
Even through difficult times of uncertainty. He chose to
Stand on the promises of God and kept his faith strong until
He experienced a breakthrough

"I have fought a good fight, i have finished my race , i have kept my faith"

2 Timothy 4:7

Thanks W230 . . . really the one who help most is you all . . . after today last service which really was the best of year 2006 . . . we went to eat near expo where everyone give me some $ to buy my food SAD_SAD i'm wordless but from the bottom of my heart thanks you all.

After that went home and ernest want to give me a ride on cab home wa don't spent $ on me but i know he care of my leg cause for the whole day i was lampying lag behide lol ok la took mrt home and walk all the way home :> just bath and took off the bandage lol much better but my angle hurt . . . all the blood stuck there :<>

My New Year Revaluation for 2007 is big and will i have the Will to done what i promise to do? no one know but i sure will be a history maker again :P i can promise you this. . . really happy that Stephanie brought me in . . . cannot make it this far without her :P make me realise that this world also have alot of problem if not i still living in my dream land . . . :P

k sweet dream i alway miss everyone include My Alien hahahaha ok ~!!! and i know what to do i have grow strong. . . a Man now hahaha

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